Reference Code I/2-578
Title The brigade
Synopsis The factory. Workers working. Kovacane. Grinding with the pneumatic hammer. The members of Latif’s brigade, Qemali, Zyber, and Serveti working. In consultation with the rescue engineer. Latif with his friends experimenting with the lateral root. After many tests and with the help of the engineer, they manage to produce. Everyone thinking in their house. Brigade while assembling . Factory produced parts. Assembling the big hammer. Hammer working. Press assembly. Control panel. General view of the factory. Quality control. Latif Sula talking about brigade (simultaneous). The four members of the brigade with their families taking a walk. Kovacet talking to each other. Pilo Peristeri, the director of the plant talking with the workers Latifi, Qemali, Zyberi, and Serveti. Smelting Department. Large press and hammer working. General view of the factory . The film is dedicated to the van guard brigade of Kovacan led by Latif Sula at the “Traktori” plant.
Screenwriter Halil Kamberi
Director Kristo Jorgji
Composer Nina Andoni
Camera Pashko Como
Editing nazmie Sula
Sound Arben Rino
Category Documentaries
Year 1975
Release date 1975
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 13
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit