Reference Code I/3-223
Title The Age Colors
Synopsis While high school students of the last year are having a party in Tirana club, their twenty year old schools friends are having a meeting on the second floor. Dealing with the problems and concerns of these two similar parties but with different generations, the author of the film tires to depicts moments from the life of the nineties, on the verge of the communist system.
Awards Kompozitori Kujtim Prodani dhe aktorja Evis Nallbani u nderuan me “Cmimin e Trete” ndersa aktori Niko Kanxheri me “Cmimin e Dyte” ne Festivalin e IX te te Filmit Artistik, nentor 1991.
Cast Anisa Markarian, Piro Kita, Rajmonda Bulku, Arjana Qatipi, Valentina Xhezo, Kastriot Caushi, Niko Kanxheri, Evis Nallbani.
Screenwriter Anisa Markarian
Director Piro Milkani
Composer Kujtim Prodani
Camera Pellumb Kallfa
Designer Arben Basha
Editing Zhaneta Kosturi
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1990
Release date 1991
Reels 10
Lenght (in minutes) 86 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”‘
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit