Reference Code I/2-1124
Title The 15-th years old poet
Synopsis Ervin Hatibi among his friends celebrating his 15th anniversary. Young people dancing. His poems. View of the house inside, photos of childhood, various drawings. Ervin’s work room. Morning, his preparation to go to school. Speaker reciting his poems. (250.60m) The poet’s dialogue with the announcer. Portraits of his friends. Altini the painter, Blendi the instrumentalist, Mirka the pianist. Ervini travels to the village of Ibe. His friends and the grave of his grandfather. He has woven many poems about the beauty of the countryside. He recites poetry. The poet’s window. Ervin meditating. He loves nature. Ervin at the artificial lake. The poet meditates, recites his verses. (232.80 m) Ervin speaks synchronously. Ervin’s book and his manuscripts. He talks about his future. Talking with the poet Ilirjan Zhupa. Walking among his friends and talking to them. Ervini meditates at the window. (127 m) The film is dedicated to the 15-year-old poet, Ervin Hatibi.
Screenwriter Halil Kamberi Fatmir Alimani
Director Halil Kamberi
Composer Mira Mecule
Camera Ibrahim Kasapi
Editing Arta Kote
Sound Abdulla Osmanlliu
Category Documentaries
Year 1990
Release date 1990
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 20 min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit