Reference Code I/2-389
Title School and the paths of life
Synopsis “7 November” vocational high school, Tirana. The school yard is full of students. A girl speaking (synchronized). The director of the school, engineer Ali Progri giving a public speech (synchronous). The school library. Student teacher studying. Student conversations about lessons. Student laboratory work in the chemistry cabinet and the physics laboratory. The students’ work for physical conditioning. Practical work at the mechanical office. Lathe working. Students’ work for the preparation of technical drawing tasks. The military training of students, bayonet drill. Aspects of their work for the assembly of televisions. The Karl Marks hydropower plant and the Metallurgical plant of Elbasan. The cadres of the professional school “7 November” work in the large industrial works. The film is dedicated to the polytechnic “7 November”, Tirana. The polytechnic bears the name “Harry Fultz”. (Note E. V. 2005)
Screenwriter Sofokli Afezolli
Scriptwriter Kujtim Gjonaj
Director Vitori Celi
Composer Mira Mamaqi, formulim
Camera Saim Kokona Vangjush Leka, op/zeri
Category Documentaries
Year 1971
Release date 1971
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 17
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit