Reference Code I/3-59
Title Red Poppies on the Walls
Synopsis Every night, the orphans in an asylum for orphans whitewash the slogans against fascism people write on the walls, forced by director and the housemaster. Four of them, Jaçe, Lelo, Bardhi and Tom make a plan to make sure that the housemaster falls over from the stairs. Mounting pressures brought to bear on young Sulo prompted him to take flight. He is shot as he tries to jump over a wall of the asylum for orphans.
Awards Skenari fiton cmimin e II ne Konkursin Komb>te Dramaturgjise 1976. U shpall filmi me i mire i Festivalit te II te Filmit Shqipater 1977. Timo Flloko, Agim Qirjaqi e Kadri Roshi morren medalje. Dh. Anagnosti merr cmimin e Republikes se Kl. I 1979. Merr cmimin e I ne Festivalin Nderk. te filmit Beograd, 1980. Namik Prizereni e Kujtim Lako u nderuan me medalje. Merr medaljen e Arte ne Salerno, Itali, 1985. Diskutimi i filmit ne Keshill Artistik te dt. 17. 12. 1976. Diskutojne Dalan Shapllo e Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi miratohet. Diskutimi i filmit me shpoket e Ministrise dhe me aparatin e KQPPSH ne dt. 17. 12. 1976. Diskutojne Meto metaj, Xhelil Gjoni, Tefta Cami, K. Xhokaxhi, Anastas Kondo, Limoz Dizdari, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet, por do te shihet perseri, pasi te jene plotesuar verejtjet e sugjeruara.
Cast Timo Flloko Agim Qirjaqi Kadri Roshi Alfred Kote Liza Lasku Anastas Kristofori, Luan Qerimi Pavlina Mani Enver Dauti Strazimir Zajmi Enea Zhegu Artur Hoxholli Krenar Arifi Gjergj Pilika Roland Ohri Robert Xhuli
Screenwriter Petraq Qafzezi, Dhimiter Anagnosti
Director Dhimiter Anagnosti
Composer Kujtim Laro
Camera Pellumb Kallfa
Designer Namik Prizereni
Editing Marika Vila
Sound Saliko Hoxha
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1976
Release date 9 janar 1977, Tirane
Reels 10
Lenght (in minutes) 90 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutimi i skenarit “Arratisja” ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 26. 12. 1975. Recenc Faruk Basha, Dalan Shapllo, Anastas Kondo. Diskutojne Gezim Erebara, Niko Koleka, Piro Milkani, Vitori Celi, Peci Dado, Kristaq Dhamo, Vangjush Zallemi. Skenari ka intereses, por ka nevoje per ripunim. Diskutimi i skenarit ne mbledhjen e Redaksise te dt. 26. 01. 1976. Diskutojne Niko Koleka, Peci Dado, Kico Blushi, Muharrem Skenderi, Angjelina Xhara, Kujtim gjonaj, Luan Rama, Kristo Jorgji. Skenari vleresohet, por duhet plotesuar me mire.
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