Reference Code I/2-766
Title Professor Doctor Aleksander Xhuvani
Synopsis Photo of Professor Aleksander Xhuvani, “Teacher of the People”. His desk and linguistic works. Elbasani, different plans. Photo of Naim Frasheri, Sami Frasheri, and Kostandin Kristoforidih. Newspapers, studies and articles about the Albanian language. Photo of Aleksander’s sister. Plans from the city of Elbasan. Aleksander Xhuvani studying in Greece. His photo and letter. Albanian newspaper. His letter on the occasion of the murder of P. K. Negovani. His letters for his compatriots. At the college of San Dhimiter Korone, Calabria in Italy. Different views from Calabria. De Rade’s school, where Aleksander Xhuvani teaches. His picture . The building where the first educational congress was held, Elbasan. The first national high school opened in 1909. Photo of the school’s teachers and students. Aleksandria, photo of Jani Vruho, the articles published in the newspaper “Skhrepetima” of Cairo. Aleksander Xhuvani with his wife. Photo of the “Literary Garden” magazine. Works of Aleksander Xhuvan: grammar textbooks, pedagogical and psychological articles. His correspondence with foreign scientists. The fascist occupation of the country, the work of Alexander. His home, a war base. Photo of his wife. Photo of Ptolemy Xhuvani. Alexander at his work cabinet. His articles and writings. Photo of Alexander at work. He is delivering a speech at the Pedagogical Institute. His letter sent to Fan Noli. Professor Mahir Domi speaking (simultaneously) about him. He is addressing the People’s Assembly, waiting for foreign delegations. At the house – museum of the Congress of Lushnja. Speaking on the inauguration day of the State University. On his 75th birthday, being decorated. Speaking (synchronously) at the Institute of Sciences. Alexander with his nephews and nieces walking in the park. His manuscripts. The ceremony of his decoration with the Order of Freedom of the 1st class. At the office working. Professor Alex Buda speaking (synchronously) about him. Library hall bust of Aleksander Xhuvani.
Screenwriter Angjelina Xhara
Scriptwriter Angjelina Xhara
Director Vitori Celi
Composer Nina Andoni
Camera Niko Theodhosi
Editing Elpiniqi Coja
Sound Koco Tollko
Category Documentaries
Year 1980
Release date 1980
Reels 4
Lenght (in minutes) 29.26
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Elbasan
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit