Reference Code I/2-151
Title Permeti celebrates
Synopsis Cars pass across the winding roads of Permet. Comrade E. Hoxha taking part in the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the “12 Assault” brigade, which was created in the days before the Permet’s congress . Comrades M. Shehu, H. Kapo, H. Lleshi, M. Myftiu, B. Balluku, G. Nushi, S. Koleka, A. Carcani, R. Marko, P. Peristeri, Sh. Peci, etc. are participating in this celebration. General Rahman Perllaku briefs Enver Hoxha. Comrade Enver greeting former partisans. Shefqet Peci spoke on behalf of Central Committee at the rally. The Anti-Fascist Committee walking across city. Placing wreaths at the cemeteries of the martyrs E. Hoxha, H. Kapo, H. Lleshi, M. Peza, M. Shehu, S. Koleka, etc. Comrade Hoxha holds by his arm the mother of the martyr Como Mandi. (231. 40) The inauguration of the monument to the partisans takes place, K. Baboci addresses the public on this occasion. A. Mula, I. Tukici, H. Pilingu, M. Xhemali singing partisan songs duringthe concert organized for this occasion. Comrade Hoxha meets with former partisans and patriots from the Permet district on May 24. H. Lleshi (simultaneous) gave a public speech on the occasion. After the rally, a parade took place where former partisans and a unit of our people’s army paraded. (221. 10). The delegates and guests gathered again at the hall where the congress was held 20 years ago. E. Hoxha spoke at the meeting ( synchronous). 5 minutes of mourning was held for the memory of the martyrs. Former delegates, comrades . E. Hoxha, M. Shehu, S. Koleka, G. Nushi, M. Myftiu, B. Balluku, S. Koleka, H. Kapo, Rr. Dervishi, S. Baholli and generals of the popular army writing in the golden book dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Permet congress. To commemorate the celebration, an exhibition was opened with photographs, letters and materials sent by former congress delegates. The People’s Assembly and the Council of Ministers gave a reception where he comrades Hoxha and M. Shehu addressed the public on the evening of May 2. Guests from the Republic of China, representatives of the liberation front of South Vietnam and guests from the general labour conference of Congo arrive. A mother hugs comrade Hoxha. Fireworks at night. (244. 30) Celebration of the historical congress of Permet on the May 24th
Scriptwriter Fuat Saraci
Director Shkelzen Shala
Composer Ismail Balla
Camera Dhimiter Lala Pashko Como Sokrat Kokona Asim Raxhimi
Category Documentaries
Year 1964
Release date 1964
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 23
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit