Reference Code I/2-923
Title Panorama of apples
Synopsis Winter, the painter paints a still nature with apples. Cooperative members working on apple crowns, view of plantations full of apple trees. The painter talking to the fruit growers. He works with the cooperaive memmbers. The study of the Argentinian butterfly, which has started to catch apples, is carried out in the laboratories. Disinfection of plantations with insecticides. Plantations covered by snow. The arrival of spring. The trees have started to release buds. Blooming trees and swallows feeding their young. Cooperative workers during spring work. The painter who paints the friends who work near the apples. Second disinfection of trees and tillage with tractors. It starts to get cold, pioneers help to collect stacks of straw which are lit to save the trees and flowers from the cold. Autumn is coming, the trees are full of apples. Their harvest begins. The painter paints. Garden full of apples.
Screenwriter Klinton Gilani
Director Todi Bozo
Composer Majlinda Berxolli
Camera Pandeli Polena
Editing Ikbale Jacellari
Sound Koco Tollko
Category Documentaries
Year 1985
Release date 1985
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 8.71
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Korce
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit