Reference Code I/3-108
Title Our Friend Tili
Synopsis Tili is a special young boy, a difficult pupil being a problem for the family and the school. He causes troubles especially to teacher Besa. There are children like Tili who need particular care, patience and tact, in order to bring out what is good in them. The film treats social problems that require great will and insistence by teachers and family as well.
Awards Filmi nderohet me cmim te ecante ne festivalin e 8 Nderkombetar te Salernos, Itali. Elida Janushi dhe Ndrek Shkjezi u nderuan me medaljonin e Festivalit te V te Filmit Artistik Shqiptar perkatesisht per rolin e Beses dhe te mesuesit te gjografise
Cast Elida Janushi, Arben Lati, Lutfi Hoxha, Zyliha Miloti, Vasillaq Vangjeli, Mirketa Cobani, Zef Bushati, Ndrek Shkjezi, Minella Borova, Antoneta Papapavli, Shkelqim Fejzo, Mimika Luca, Herion Mustafaraj.
Screenwriter Qazim Kashari, Naum Bitri, Halil Kamberi
Director Fehmi Hoshafi
Composer Tahsim Hoshafi
Camera Pellumb Kallfa
Designer Shyqyri Sako
Editing Elsa Bushati Elda Budini
Sound Fahri Jukniu
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1981
Release date 17 janar 1982, Tirane
Reels 7
Lenght (in minutes) 74 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit