Reference Code I/2-599
Title Our artistic ensemble in Korea
Synopsis Our song and dance ensemble toured in Korea in July 1974. The train is moving. The ensemble is welcomed at the Cang Cel train station by the vice-minister of culture and arts, Kim Joang Sun, the chairman of the Committee for foreign relations, and our ambassador to Korea, Gaqo Collaku. Pali Karafili, who leads the ensemble, meets with the ensemble. Pyongyang residents meet artists. Display tiles. Concert hall. Xh. Hafizi singing the song of Ndrec Ndue Gjokes. The dance “Big celebrations”. A kindergarten in Pyongyang. It takes care of 1000 children a day. There are wonderful conditions for raising children. The bus takes the members of the ensemble to the factory in Kiang. Tractors are produced here. The new Pyongyang Palace of Culture. Our ensemble performed as a foreign ensemble. Jan Kong Se and others persons take part in the show. Ibrahim Tukici sings a Korean song. Party leaders going on stage to congratulate our artists. Ensemble representatives meet with Korean leaders. The artists visit Manedien, the birthplace of Ki Mir Sen. They visit the house museum where the Korean leader was born. The reconstruction of Pyongyang. The fountain, the palace of sports of pioneers, the museum of the revolution, the flying horse, the cultural group. The war-torn Phenayan. Falling bombs, burning house, and destroyed water pipe. The artists perform in other cities of Korea. Television station. Pyongyang. Artists go to Kesa. There they are warmly welcomed by the residents of the city. Centre of the city. New buildings. War Museum. Common graves of women and children killed by the Americans. The ensemble has a picnic in the Pak Jan cataract. Beautiful waterfall. They go to a border post. The place where the talks between the North and South Korea took place in 1951-1952. US Border Post. Leaving Kesani. The reception was given by the Ministry of Culture. Can Cel and Pali Karafili speak. Toasts are raised. The departure of our ensemble from Korea.
Director Ilia Dede
Camera Rakip Zeneli
Editing Donika Muci
Sound Xhevat Behri
Category Documentaries
Year 1974
Release date 1974
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 20
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Kore
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit