Reference Code I/2-872
Title On new roads
Synopsis Panorama of Vlora and its new buildings. View of the independence monument and Hysni Kapos. People going to work. Aspects of work in different departments of the lamp factory. Workers packaging. The exhibition of the different products of this factory. Experimentation of the 25-watt lamp. Physicist Engjell Licaj following this new product. Aspects from the work in his department of different laboratory equipment. View of the different test pieces produced in this department. View of the gas purification plant. Aspects from the work in the new line of lamps used in industry. Engineer Liljana Numani following the experimentation of small lamps with contours for vehicles. Mirjan Pici, Liljan Numani, Lida Goxhi and chief engineer Hysen Gjondadaj closely followed the experimentation. They consulted with different literature. They continue the tests one after the other of this new product. After many attempts the test passes with more success .View of lit lamps. View of cities at night illuminated by the lamps produced by this vanguard factory.
Screenwriter Thoma Kerkeshi
Director Qerim Mata
Composer Diana Fejziu
Camera Aleksander Kasneci
Editing Androniqi Vangjeli
Sound Luiza Mataraku
Category Documentaries
Year 1983
Release date 1983
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 10min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Vlore
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit