Reference Code I/1-669
Title Newsreel No. 5, 1972
Description The tarmac of the coast. Young activists applauding at the organized rally. Agim Mero, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the People’s Youth Unions of Albania, Telo Mezini, the first secretary of the Party Committee of the district of Saranda, Piro Dodbiba, the Minister of Agriculture, who hands over the flag to the volunteers, are assisting. Abdyl Kellezi speaks. Panorama of terraced hills. Action commander Matjana Kondi speaks on behalf of the 2,000 participants. (31.50m) Barrel production factory. Next to the oil refinery in Fier, there is also a factory to produce barrels. View from work. (33.50m) New plants in the ammonium nitrate plant. Panorama of the ammonium nitrate plant “Gogo Nushi” in Fier, chimneys. The director of the plant, Qirjako Mihali, speaks. Apparatus hall, laboratory, aspects from work. (45m) In the sector of raising pigs for fattening. At the State Agricultural Enterprise of Roskovec, 10,000 heads are raised for fattening. Herd of pigs, goats. Aspects of their growth. (27m) Subject 5 – Greenhouses covered with glass. Modern greenhouses with glass covers are being built at the State Agricultural Enterprise of Sukth. Heating boiler, various appliances, a working master. Agronomist Nezir Koni speaks. Tomato plants, view of greenhouses outside and inside. (53.30m) SUBJECT 6 – Chess match. At the end of the 26th national championship, Pustina – Adhami play. Aspects from the match. Adam is awarded the champion’s cup. Master Zef Askta speaks. (41.60m)
Scriptwriter Angjelina Xhara
Director t
Musical Arrangement D Celiku
Camera Agim Fortuzi Hamdi Ferhati
Edition A Halili
Sound Vangjel Leka
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1972
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 9
Location Shqiperia
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit