Reference Code I/1-298
Title Newsreel No. 5, 1965
Description Powerful levers. On the 20-year path of organizations of professional unions. The film starts with the big cranes in the port of Durres and then shows the bad behaviour of our workers. A worker sleeps on the street. Revolted workers strike and demonstrate. this is how the first working class societies were born. On February 11, 1945, a meeting was held where the first national professional organization of male and female workers was created, where Enver Hoxha participated. At the Congress of Trade Unions in 1949, Enver Hoxha speaks about the role of Trade Unions in building socialism. Short aspects from the workers in Patos and at the construction site, such as opening a channel, in textiles, etc. enrich the film. Notice boards, newspapers like Puna, which are printed for women workers, are means of agitation. The construction and production sectors are shown here. In the design enterprise, engineer Kumbaro in the high voltage line, engineer Rifat Bodinaku in the textile factory “Stalin” and many other important works. It shows the health protection of employees and the medical service in companies, holiday camps in the summer, Durres beach, Dhermi camp, etc. Apartments for employees, library where employees read, sewing circle. Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Professional Unions, a solemn meeting was organized with the participation of Enver Hoxha, Mehemet Shehu, etc. Spiro Koleka assists. Gogo Nushi and Haki Toska spoke at the meeting. Haxhi Lleshi, on behalf of the presidium of the popular assembly, presented Gogo Nushi with the decoration of the hero of socialist work.
Scriptwriter Shpresa Kamani
Director Agim Fortuzi
Musical Arrangement I Balla
Camera Dhimiter Lala
Sound A Raxhini
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1965
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 10
Location Shqiperi
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit