Reference Code I/1-152
Title Newsreel No. 22, 1960
Description Big party. A solemn meeting dedicated to the 43rd anniversary of the great October Socialist Revolution was held in the great hall of the Opera and Ballet, where Pilo Peristeri, the candidate of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, spoke. of the Labour Party of Albania and the charge affairs of the Soviet Union Novikov. Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, Spiro Koleka, Gogo Nushi, Haki Toska, Koço Theodhosi, Adil Çarçani, Rita Marko take part. 33.20 m. The new railway. The Soviet engineer Igor Norushkin, who is the designer of this work, works in the construction of the Vore Milot railway. In the field of works, they see the chief engineer of the works Shaban Torozi and the other co-workers. 44.40. In Baba’s cooperative. In the cooperative of the district of Korca, it stands out especially for the development of fruit and viticulture. The girls go to work before the grape harvest begins. They are given political information by reading the newspaper, then the grape harvest begins. 28.10. The new factory. The view of Librazhd. Grape processing factory which started production with 500 tons in 24 hours. 52m SUBJECT 5 Freedom fighters. Korçe, on the day of the anniversary of the liberation of the city, the remains of patriots such as Mihal Grameno, Foqon Postoli, Thanas Tashko, Papa Llambro and the partisan of the National Liberation War Maqi Mita were buried. 87.20m SUBJECT 6 A museum city, Berat. The expedition of the State University of Tirana works for the restoration of old monuments. These are helped by Czechoslovak friends, synchronously. SUBJECT 7 Flower exhibition. The Flower Exhibition opens in Tirana, where 150 different types are placed. 31.50m SUBJECT 8 Gymnasium in the village. In Myzeqe, a gymnastic competition is organized. In the cooperative of Gore, various matches take place. In the tug-of-war competitions, the first place was taken by the youth of Krutje. The volleyball players of Bishqethmi and Krutje fight to take the first place in the sports competition. 25.50 m.
Director Xh Keko
Musical Arrangement
Camera Agim FortuziNiko TheodhosiPashko Como P LubonjaJani Nano
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1960
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 9
Location Shqiperi
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit