Reference Code I/1-826
Title Newsreel No. 2, 1977
Description Solemn gathering for the Republic Day. On the 31st anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic, a solemn meeting is held where comrades Haxhi Lleshi, Qirjako Mihali, Hekuran Isai, Adil Carcani, Pilo Peristeri, Spiro Koleka take part. The meeting was opened by Qirjako Mihali. Spiro Koleka gives the speech of the occasion. (40m) The girls of the fibre factory in Elbasan. View of the fibre factory. Women working. Fibre production. (38.50m) Success of caustic soda in Vlora. Panorama of Vlora. Workers entering the factory. Pouring soda. Analyses done in the laboratory. They are said to be filled with soda. A man speaks. (50.10m) Livestock complex of Agricultural Enterprise “Ylli i Kuq” in Kamez. View of the stables. Cattle farmers entering the stables. Women feeding cows. Cows eating. Myftar Argjoni working. Distinguished milkers Ervehe Alushi, Kujtime Xhaja serving you cows. Women milking cows. (38.80m) Cup of the Republic in football. The match between the teams of Dinamo and 17 Nentori. Aspects from the match. The winner of the cup was announced on 17 Nentori. (83.20m)
Scriptwriter Kliton Gilani
Musical Arrangement
Camera Ferdinant Koruni Jovan Kondakci Niko Theodhosi Pashko como Diana Diamanti Rudolf Radovani Niko Treni
Edition Elpiniqi Coja
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1977
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 9
Location Shqiperia
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes f
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit