Reference Code I/1-309
Title Newsreel no 16, 1965
Description The imperialist revisionist conspiracy in the United Nations Organization tears your masks. The view of New York. United Nations Building and Assembly Hall. Halim Buddha speaks. Then the president of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization Aleksey Keison Sakej speaks. He demands that Halim Buda withdraw his proposal. Halim Buda insists on his proposal. The representative of Saudi Arabia said that Halim Budo is right. After the discussion of several delegates, the meeting was postponed for 48 hours. In the session of February 18, the chairman of the assembly refuses the right to speak to Halim Budos. He closes the microphone, which creates a scandal in the Assembly. The determined position of the Albanian representative is welcomed by most of the delegations. A fierce debate took place between the Speaker of the Assembly and Halim Budo. Then the chairman is forced to give the floor. Halim Budo, who emphasized that the Assembly should start normal work, elect the Bureau of the Assembly, and approve the agenda. Then he emphasized that the behaviour of the president was in contradiction with the United Nations Organization. The chairman apologized to Halim Budo. US representative Stevenson takes the floor against every rule and procedure. Halm Budo speaks. He interrupts her by telling her that she has no right to speak before the vote. The American delegation and the revisionist Khrushchev have the same opinion. After the vote, Halim Budo speaks again, exposing American imperialism and the United Nations Organization that violate people’s rights.
Scriptwriter A Arjadhi
Musical Arrangement I Balla
Edition Zhanfize Keko
Sound K Tollko
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1965
Reels 2
Length (in minutes) 12
Location Shqiperi
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit