Reference Code I/1-211
Title Newsreel No. 1, 1963
Description The 40th anniversary of the high school “29 Nentori” Shkoder. Enver Hoxha, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Albanian Labour Party, takes part in the celebration of the high school in Shkodra. In the exhibition organized on this occasion, you can see the long road of this school and the heroes that this school produced. In the conference organized on this occasion, Skender Vile, director of the school, Enver Hoxha, Vasil Konomi, and the deputy minister of education Kadri Baboci, who hands the school the first-class work order and a series of orders and medals to distinguished teachers, speak. Visit to the school laboratory. Enver Hoxha also visits the Pedagogical Institute. (70.80m) New Year. In the capital, the windows have been covered by the new year’s snow, while parents buy toys for their children in state stores. Letters and postcards are sent to the post office, while pastry chefs prepare sweets. (28.80m) Fishing enterprise in Saranda. Even the fishermen of Saranda completed the 1962 plan as early as November and gave the country millions over the plan. (22.50m) Bus produced in the Shkoder State Vehicle Repair Company. Employees of the State Enterprise for the Repair of Transportation Vehicles. Shkoder produced a new bus as a gift. (21.90m) SUBJECT 5 – Around the world. The visit of the Chinese Pan-National delegation to Vietnam. The Chinese delegation headed by Pen Cen arrives in Vietnam. At the airport they are received by the Chairman of the National Ensemble of Vietnam Truant Shin. In honour of the delegation, Ho Chi Min, chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Labour Party gave a reception. (31.50m) SUBJECT 6 – The people of Beijing support the Cuban people. 400 thousand residents of Beijing demonstrate for the Cuban people in front of the Cuban legate. (29.80)
Musical Arrangement
Camera Hamdi Ferhati, Jani Nano, Niko Theodhosi, Dhimiter Lala, Pashko Como, Sokrat Musha
Edition Agim Fortuzi
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1963
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 9
Location Shqiperia
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit