Reference Code I/1-17
Title New Albania. Nesreel No. 5, 1951
Description On February 23, the first National Conference of strikers will take place in Tirana. Enver Hoxha, Gogo Nushi, Sali Vata, a Soviet engineer also attend the conference. (80.50m) May 1 in Tirana. The view of the city on the day of the holiday, the officers’ house. The parade begins. People parade with portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin. (81.80m) Vlore. View of the city. The people parade. (17.90m) Carnivals in Shkoder. They parade the carnivals with the faces of Truman, Curcil, Caldaris, Tito, etc. The film was made by: Endri Keko, Jano Nano, Koco Tolko, Petraq Lubonja, Xhanfize Cipi, Mihallaq Carka, etc.
Director Ilia Kopalin
Musical Arrangement
Camera M KociHamdi FerhatiAgim Fortuzi
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1951
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 8
Location B.R.S.S
Producer Nderrmarja Shteterore Kinematografike
Notes Filmi eshte realizuar nga: Endri Keko, Jano Nano, Koco Tollko, Petraq Lubonja, Xhanfize Cipi, Mihallaq Carka etj.
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit