Reference Code | I/2-125 |
Title | Mountain eagles |
Synopsis | The film begins with mountain views, sunrise panoramas. The war of our highlanders against the invaders, the partisan war and the military preparation of the popular army. The parade of our army. Students doing exercises, shooting with rifles at the “Skanderbeg” military school, working in the laboratory, etc. Students learn how to command a tank, practicing with rifles, artillery, running at the “Enver” joint school etc. The pilots taking off in the plane at the aviation school. Students learn theory and practice at sea at the school of the naval combat fleet. Spiro Kote looking at the sea with binoculars. Students discovering the mine. The officers appear in the artillery cabinet at the Military Academy. (246. 60 m) Artillery training range for firing. The Minister of People’s Defence, Colonel General Beqir Balluku announces the assessments. Chief of the General Staff General. Lieutnat, Petrit Dume assigns tasks to the officers. The head of the Political Directorate of the army, Lieutenant General Sadik Bekteshi, guides the political workers of the Party. Alarm is given. The soldiers report to the designated positions. Artillery fighters reporting their positions. Ward of Missiles. The alarm of the aviation field. Costal alarm. Warships in the peninsula. The tanks start training. The reservists are also on alert in the designated places. Rapo Dervishi talking to the reservists. The border departments also take part in the exercise, the villagers come to their aid. Capture of saboteurs (fictional). The border departments in the sea announce the launch of two saboteurs. The ship is detected by enemy ships. Aviation and coastal artillery come to the aid of the naval combat fleet. (279. 40m) Radio locators are listening. Aircraft training in the air. Warships at sea. The commander from the command post leading the manoeuvre . Mine launchers launch mines. Bread and water are provided during the training. Communists discuss the various problems that arise during the war situation at their party meeting. Sadik Bekteshi speaks at a meeting with the fighters. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Mehmet Shehu and Beqir Balluku controlling the training forces. Planes are loaded with bombs in the aviation field. Mehmet Shehu following the drill with binoculars (331. 70m) Tanks moving towards the enemy. Parachute landings are made in the rear of the enemy. Quick help during combat. Surgeons performing surgery. Disinfecting area infected with bacteria. Boats cross the river. On the last day of the training, friend Enver Hoxha comes. The parade of the troops begins. Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu, Beqir Ballukut, Petrit Dume, Rita Marko, Hysni Kapo, etc are in the stands. The film ends with a ship speeding out to sea. I/2-126 3 Qershor 1962 The third of June- 1962 Ablloshka fillon me parrullen: “Zgjedhes, merrni pjese te gjithe ne votime”. “Votoni per kandiatet e frontit demokratik”, “Duke votuar per kandidatet e frontit votojme per socializmin per lumturine dhe paqen”. Fillon filmi. Banoret e lagjes Nr. 4 te kryeqytetit me pune vullnetare po rregullojne lulishtet perpara pallateve. Ne qendren e agjitacionit 14 agjitatore punojne per zbukurimin e qendres se tyre. Ndersa zgjedhesit vijne ketu per te pare emrat e tyre ne listat elektorale. Nje nene sjell djalin e saj i cili me 3 qershor, ne diten e votimeve, mbush 18 vjec. Ndersa ne nje qender tjeter agjitacioni behet mbledhja e agjitatoreve te lagjes. Ne nje qender votimi fillon votimi. Voton nje vajze 18 vjecare. Filmi mbyllet me parrullen: “Rrofte uniteti i pathyeshem i partise dhe i popullit shqiptar, burim i forces se rendit socialist garanci e fitoreve te reja ne ndertimin e socializmit”. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | Xhevat Alibali |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Shkelzen Shala |
Composer | Ismail Balla, formulim |
Camera | Jani Nano Sokrat Musha Agim Fortuzi |
Designer | |
Editing | Irena Harito |
Sound | |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1962 |
Release date | 1862 |
Reels | 4 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 40 |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | |
Producers | |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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