Reference Code I/2-900
Title Margarita and Kristaq
Synopsis The film begins with the voices of Kristina Tutulan (the mother of the heroes), continues with the voices of Neta Dolan, Zoica Capo, Ohran Frasher, Vasilika Pacuka, and Liri Vruho, recalling events and moments from Margarita’s life with Kristaq. View of Berat from the castle. Photos of the family and of Kristaq and Margarita. Kristaq’s poetry book. Margarita’s embroidery. Articles published in the newspaper. The high school in Korce where Kristaq continued his studies. Letter of exchange with his sister. His notebooks and writings. (267.90m) Photos of the various demonstrations. Image of the unknown soldier of Korce. The occupation of Berat. The flag day demonstrators. Document of Kristaq’s expulsion from high school. Photos of Margarita when she was a student at Nena Mbretereshe institute. The school’s pamphlet. Margarita’s expulsion from school. Returning to Berat. The gates of houses in Berat opening one after the other. Letter of exchange between Margarita and Kristaq, who is studying in Italy. Kristaq’s photo appears in Florence. His return to his homeland. Luan Qafzezi speaks (synchronized) in front of the tombstone of the nation’s martyrs. He recalls the past. Argjire Leka organizing the attack against the offices of the band, which Margarita directs herself. (252.80m) Panorama of the mountains, the places where the partisan groups were formed. Talking about the activities of Margarita and Kristaqi Myqerem Fuga. The house where the party’s circular meeting was held. Kristaq’s political diary. Ramiz Alise’s photo. The dialogue between the sister and the brother at night. The river under the moonlight. Panoramas of Berat and its houses and alleys. Their tombstone. Field with poppies. Children making a guard of honor in front of the tombstone. Photo of Enver Hoxha in front of the tombstone. Margarita Monument in Berat. (264.40m) The film is dedicated to the heroes of the people, Margarita and Kristaq Tutulan.
Screenwriter Marjanthi Qemo
Director Marjanthi Qemo
Composer Mira Mecule
Camera Jovan Kondakci
Editing Manushaqe Halili
Sound Lavdim Fortuzi
Category Documentaries
Year 1984
Release date 1984
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 26min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Berat
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit