Reference Code I/2-1030
Title Land mapping
Synopsis Massive saline lands from Shkodra to Vlora. Aspects of the work to turn these lands into fertile lands. In the laboratory of the agricultural institute, analyzes are made to determine the amount of salts. Land drainage works have been set up in coastal countries powerful hydrovores that drain the soil. Aspects from the planting of the drained soil, they do the analysis in the laboratory and measure the length of the production. (1m) Plowing the soil with tractors. Planting of desalinated lands. The construction of the new town on the coast. Large fields with abundant crops, harvesters. Cow stables, aspects from the work to increase the dairy farm. (2m) Field with wheat, combine harvesters harvesting wheat .Cars are loaded with agricultural products. Large areas of land where wheat, corn, sunflowers have been planted. Greenhouses. Fruits and vegetables are harvested. where good crops were obtained. Panorama of the desalinated fields. Panorama of the desalinated fields and crops. (3m)
Screenwriter Faik Islami
Director Todi Bozo
Composer Nina Andoni
Camera Pandeli Polena
Editing Arta Kote
Sound Lavdi Fortuzi
Category Documentaries
Year 1987
Release date 1987
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 18min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Vende bregdetare
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit