Reference Code I/3-61
Title Land Drenched in Blood
Synopsis Three stories: Miti, the father of little Gjergji, is killed when he tries to defend his land, which is taken over by the village bey. Then, Gjergji becomes protagonist. He is involved in a clash with the Italian forces when both the village Bey and the village miller are killed. The third part focuses on the land reform and the restitution of land to Miti’s son, Gjergji.
Cast Margarita Xhepa Kadri Roshi Pandi Raidhi Petrika Gjezi Niko Kanxheri Vasillaq Vangjeli Xhemil Tagani Kristaq Burdhima
Screenwriter Kico Blushi, Nexhati Tafa
Director Ibrahim Mucaj, Kristaq Mitro
Composer Aleksander Peci
Camera Ilia Terpini
Designer Shyqyri Sako
Editing Krisanthi Kotmilo
Sound Vangjel Leka
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1976
Release date 6 shtator, Tirane
Reels 7
Lenght (in minutes) 50 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Lushnje
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutohet skenari i filmit “Toke e pergjakur” ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 26. 1. 1975. Recenca Piro Milkani. Diskutojne Dalan Shapllo, Niko Koleka, Anastas Kondo, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Faruk Basha, Kristaq Dhamo, Vangjush Zallemi. Skenari vleresohet me disa verejtje dhe sugjerime. Diskutimi i skenarit ne mbledhjen e Redaksise te dt. 2. 01. 976. Diskutojne Bashkim Hoxha, Angjelina Xhara, Luan Rama, Kujtim Gjonaj, Nexhati Tafa, Kolec Traboini, Niko Koleka, Kico Blushi. Skenari krahas vlerave ka nevoje per disa plotesime. Diskutohet filmi ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 18. 12. 1976. Diskutohet me shoket e Komitetit Qendror te PPSH dhe me shoket e Ministrise ne mbledhjen e dt. 19. 12. 1976. Diskutojne Anastas Kondo, Dritero Agolli, Arqile Maisiu, Vangjush Zallemi, Tefta Cami. Filmi vleresohet por ka nevoje per permiresime. Te dale me mire roli i Pertise.
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit