Reference Code I/2-576
Title Joy in the eyes of the mother
Synopsis Mother embroidering a star on the little girl’s apron. They head to school. Street of Vlora. Mother at the office work. Vangjeli’s husband was talking to a driver. Vangjeli took over the work of the storekeeper. Nena reading people’s letters. Her daughter doing military training. She is fixing the car. A citizen enters the office and Kaliopi try to help him. Vlora Street, Vangjeli helping the little girl. The teacher showing the grades to the mother who is interested about the school results of her daughter. Her son standing a written exam at night school. Kaliopi walking with the girls. The librarian gives her books. Kaliopi’s children helping with the housework. Kaliopi with her husband drinking coffee at home and checking the children’s diplomas. Her daughter does exercises in the gym, the other daughter plays volleyball and basketball, the son plays football, the eldest gives swimming lessons, two other boys are swimming, the little one will become a wrestler. The daughter of the orphanage studying. She writes a letter to mother Kaliopi. Nena meets with the girl who comes from Tirana. The whole family going on a picnic. The little girl picks flowers and gives them to her mother. The daughter of the orphanage sends her a telegram, notifying about the exam results. Family on picnic. The film is dedicated to the exemplary mother of 10 children, Kalipoi Zguro.
Screenwriter Angjelina Xhara
Director Endri Keko
Composer Nina Harito
Camera Rakip Zeneli
Editing Elpiniqi Coja
Sound Abdulla Osmanlliu
Category Documentaries
Year 1975
Release date 1975
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 17
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Vlore
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit