Reference Code I/2-1060
Title Informatics
Synopsis The hydropower turbine functioning, water measurement. Agricultural work. The train is moving. Informatics institute in one working day, the component parts of the computer. Aspects from work at the Design Institute. Informatics is used with effectiveness in the production of concrete. The screen of the computer shows numbers, the specialists follow the data. View of the control rooms. Hydro-central work, water measurement. Aspects of the computer’s work in geophysical and geological studies. Machines and apparatus placed on the ground for study, specialists measure the data. The computer records. Scientific libraries, people who study. Scheme of the controller in a factory. U.SH.T, students during computer class. The teacher develops different exercises. Views from constructions, transport, hydroelectric plants, agriculture where informatics has taken large proportions in all important areas of the economy. The work for building the Pyramid of Tirana (Enver Hoxha museum). Tirana Informatics Institute.
Screenwriter Xhovalin Hajati
Director Xhovalin Hajati
Composer Nina Andoni
Camera Rudolf Radovani
Editing Veronika Coku
Sound Fahri Jukniu
Category Documentaries
Year 1989
Release date 1989
Reels 2
Length (in minutes) 16min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit