Reference Code I/3-176
Title In the Name of Liberty
Synopsis The Second World War in a village. In the fighting with the German Nazis, a Greek partisan got wounded but with the help of the Albanian partisans he got retired and was hidden in the house of an old peasant. The life of the Greek partisan and the message he brought were in danger because the command of the German army was established in the house.
Cast Tinka Kurti, Andon Qesari, Bujar Asqeriu, Gjinovefa Redhi, Eduart Makri, Artur Gorishti, Albert Verria, Lazer Filipi, Vasil Goga, Arben Kruta, Besnik Alia, Fata Leonari.
Screenwriter Kozeli Bashkim
Director Fehmi Hoshafi
Composer Hajg Zaharjan
Camera Bardhyl Martiniani
Designer Namik Prizreni
Editing Nano Mimoza
Sound Tollko Koco
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1987
Release date 1987
Reels 9
Lenght (in minutes) 76 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Vlore
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit