Reference Code I/2-675
Title In the Academy of Fine Arts
Synopsis View of Tirana, people walking on the street. Students going to the institute. The building of the High Institute of Arts. Drama students doing plastic exercises. Stage speaking class. Students doing makeup. Students performing “First Years” on the stage. Pandi Raidhi makes remarks to the students (synchronously). The set design student choosing the scenery for the oeuvre. Students perform a fragment. At the sculpture studio. The student working on the portrait of Fran Ndue Ivanaj. Hero steering the ship. View of different studios. Alert, students in training. Painting student Anastas Kostandini in training. The student’s painting. View of the tile studio. Students and lecturers working. The plaque of the big hotel of Tirana. Students of the textile branch making their models. Students doing the glass workshop. The workers discussing about the diplomas of the students of the glass department at Kavaja’s glass factory. Student speaking. Workers congratulating the,. Students studying at night in the school library. Gazmend Mullai playing the piano. View of the mountains of Librazhdi where he did his internship. Dancer Dancing. Gazmendi composing “Echo of the Mountains”. Student Orchestra performing “Echo of the Mountains”. The Higher Institute of Arts. Operator: From postgraduate course students.
Editing Elpiniqi Coja
Category Documentaries
Year 1977
Release date 1977
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 14
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit