Reference Code | I/2-1065 |
Title | Greetings! |
Synopsis | View of Shkodra, landscape with flowering trees, Shkodra house, street, prison cell. Writings on the walls of the prison. Portrait of Manush Alimani, portrait of Shkodra women. Photos and documents of Manush Alimani, notebooks and books. The streets of Shkodra, lake panorama, house, bedroom, portraits of friends. Photo of Vasil Shanto and Manushi. Prison cell, handcuffs, photo documents. Manushi was tortured to death by the Gestapo. His portrait, flowering trees. (1m) The house where it was a war base. Road to Shkodra, photo document. Aspects from the war, burning warehouses. Photo of Hajrulla Kastrati and Sherif Hoxhe, his friend. Landscapes, trees, quaestary stairs. The murder of Vasil Shanto. Manush Alimani in the prison cells tortured. The battle of the elevator, the partisan (improvised) detachment. Notebook with his poems and letters that he sends to his friends from the prison cell. Landscape, the setting sun. Prison cell, portrait of Manushi and his friends. Typical Shkodra house, photo by Manushi. View of a Shkodra neighborhood (cati). Photo of Manushi. Flowering trees. (2m) The film is dedicated to the life and death of martyr Manush Alimani. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | Luan Rama |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Adriana Elini |
Composer | Mira Mecule |
Camera | Ibrahim Kasapi |
Designer | |
Editing | Dallendyshe Baboci |
Sound | Skender Nuzi |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1989 |
Release date | 1989 |
Reels | 2 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 16min |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | Shkoder;Tirane |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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