Reference Code | I/2-944 |
Title | Great joy in Myzeqe |
Synopsis | Panorama of the field of Myzeqese. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the delivery of the first soil plugs in Lushnje, a scientific session is organized with the participation of Lenka Cuko, Vangjel Cerava, Spiro Koleka, Themie Thomai. Aspects from the development of this session. The participants also visit the exhibition of figurative arts of Lushnjare painters. The people of Gorese are celebrating. Among them comes Ramiz Alia, Adil Carcani, Pali Miska. The warm welcome of the people. In the rally organized on this occasion, which is opened by Xhemal Dauti, First Secretary of the Party of the Lushnje district, Adil Carcani speaks (simultaneously). Listening in the presidium Lenka Cuko, Hekuran Isai, Nexhmije Hoxha, Shefqet Peci, Themie Thomai, Vito Kapo and Vangjel Cerava. Hello (synchronous) Ramiz ALia. Participants visit the village museum. Ramiz Alia visits the home of 94-year-old Laze Mece. The warm conversation between them. Adil Carcani visits the house of a musketeer. Pali MIska, Nexhmije Hoxha, Vangjel Cerava also visit the houses of the villagers. At the 40th anniversary luncheon, friend Ramiz Alia speaks (simultaneously). A festive concert is given in honor of this anniversary. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | |
Scriptwriter | Kolec Traboini |
Director | Todi Bozo |
Composer | Majlinda Berxolli |
Camera | Rakip Zeneli Pandeli Polena |
Designer | |
Editing | Manushaqe Halili |
Sound | Lavdim Fortuzi |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1985 |
Release date | 1985 |
Reels | 2 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 11.52 |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | Myzeqe |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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