Reference Code | I/2-114 |
Title | Glorious jubilee |
Synopsis | The 44th anniversary of the October socialist revolution on November 7. November 8th is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Labour Party of Albania. The people laying wreaths and bunches of flowers at the monument of Lenin and Stalin. Enver Hoxha and other state and party leaders visiting the house where the party was founded in 1941. Leaders bringing flowers and visiting the homes of national liberation war veterans. Enver Hoxha visits the home of veteran Hilmije Kosturi, Mehmet Shehu and Beqir Balluku at the home of martyr Met Tufa. In the framework of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Labour Party of Albania, the bust of Mustafa Fratari, killed in the international brigade in Spain, was inaugurated in Kelcyre. This name bears the grape processing factory of the city. The motor pump station is inaugurated in Shellize of Mamurras. The reservoir for the irrigation of the lands of Sukthi is inaugurated in Ishem. The big refrigerator and the factory for the production of wooden tiles are inaugurated in Tirana. The wine cellar is inaugurated in Durres. Folk groups singing in honour of the 20th anniversary of the Labour Party of Albania. Folkloric groups performing. Singing folk rhapsodes on stage. The girls give a ballet performance on the podium in front of the executive committee. The “The Flower of Memory” opera was staged at the opera and ballet theatre. An exhibition of border departments was inaugurated on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Labour Party of Albania, tools used by saboteurs were also exhibited. A solemn meeting was organized in Tirana on the occasion of the November holidays. The opening speech was given by comrade Mehmet Shehu. The floor is given to comrade Enver Hoxha (synchronous). At the meeting, Comrade Enver spoke about Nikita Khrushchev’s slander against our party (synchronized). Kozma Bonata welcoming the meeting on behalf of the working class. Prend Kole Davidhi speaking on behalf of the peasantry, Efigjeni Pendavinj speaking on behalf of the women’s organization, Kristo Jorgji speaking on behalf of the youth organization, Dhimiter Shuteriqi speaking on behalf of the Union of Writers and Artists, Muhamet Prodani speaking on behalf of the People’s Army. The people gather at night in front of the Executive Committee. Fireworks are thrown. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Shkelzen Shala |
Composer | Ismail Balla |
Camera | Agim Fortuzi Sokrat Musha Jani Nano Hamdi Ferhati Pashko Como Dhimiter Lala Asim Raxhimi, op/zeri |
Designer | |
Editing | |
Sound | |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1961 |
Release date | 1961 |
Reels | 3 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 23 |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | |
Producers | |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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