Reference Code I/2-413
Title From the visit of Enver Hoxha in Elbasan district
Synopsis Comrade Enver Hoxha arrives in the city of Elbasan. Comrade Enver takes part in the meeting of the Elbasan District Party Bureau. Jashar Menzelxhiu speaks at the meeting. The Chairman of the Executive Committee of the district, Comrade Nevzat Hashedari, speaks. The Hero of Socialist Work, Comrade Nuredin Hoxha. Comrade Enver Hoxha speaks. Hajredin Celiku, Director of Metallurgic. Hekuran Isaj, First Secretary of the Librazhd district. Comrade Enver Hoxha lays wreaths at the Martyrs’ Cemetery in Elbasan district. Comrade Enver Hoxha visits the museum house of Qemal Stafa Interior and exterior view of the house. Comrade Enver Hoxha visits the family of martyr Todi Naska. Comrade Enver Hoxha talking with mother Hatixhe ( Hisa Ekmexhiu’s wife). Comrade Enver Hoxha visits the home of Comrade Nuredin Hoxha. Meets with family members. Friend Enver Hoxha presents Nuredini with the history of A.L.P. Comrade Enver visits the new neighbourhood “Aksion”, the new cinema and library. At the “Aksion” neighbourhood, friend Enver Hoxha visits the nursery. He seems to be petting the children. Visits garden no. 12. A young pioneer reciting. Comrade Enver Hoxha takes two children in his arms. A black child hugs friend Enver. Comrade Enver dances with two young pioneers. Comrade Enver Hoxha visits the home of worker Vasil Haxhillazi. Rally at “Aksion” neighbourhood. Comrade Enver Hoxha speaks at the rally from the balcony of a house. Comrade Enver Hoxha leaves Elbasan accompanied by applause.
Scriptwriter Faslli Cuko
Composer Nina Harito
Camera Niko Theodhosi Dhimiter Lala
Editing Marianthi Xhako
Sound Xhevat Behri
Category Documentaries
Year 1971
Release date 1971
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 12.82
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Elbasan
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit