Reference Code | I/3-190 |
Title | Flutura in My Cabin |
Synopsis | Tom Melgushi, becoming over exciting from alcohol, wanders around the streets disturbing people. And one day, Flutura, a teacher of the village, gets on his cab, and there was a glimpse of hope for a stable relationship with the young woman. Tom became subject of public criticism on Flutura’s accident, because she jumped out of the cab fearing a rape. |
Awards | Filmi ne festivalin e VIII-te te Filmit Artistik Shqiptar fiton cmimin e II-te, 12-22 prill 1989. Aktoret Ndricim Xhepa e Luiza Xhuvani u shpallen aktoret me te mire duke u nderuar me kupen e Festivalit per rolet e Tomes dhe te Flutures. |
Cast | Ndricim Xhepa, Luiza Xhuvani, Reshat Arbana, Tinka Kurti, Guljelm Radoja, Shpresa Berdellima, Bardhyl Xhani, Kastriot Caushi, Frederik Noci, Edmond Budina, Strazimir Zajmi. |
Screenwriter | Teodor Laco, Vladimir Prifti |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Vladimir Prifti |
Composer | Hajg Zaharjan |
Camera | Ilia Terpini |
Designer | Astrit Tota |
Editing | Elsa Bushati |
Sound | Ilir Gjata |
Cathegory | Feature Film |
Chroma | |
Year | 1988 |
Release date | 8 janar 1989, Tirane |
Reels | 10 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 60 min |
Country of origin | |
Shooting locations | veri |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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