Reference Code I/3-190
Title Flutura in My Cabin
Synopsis Tom Melgushi, becoming over exciting from alcohol, wanders around the streets disturbing people. And one day, Flutura, a teacher of the village, gets on his cab, and there was a glimpse of hope for a stable relationship with the young woman. Tom became subject of public criticism on Flutura’s accident, because she jumped out of the cab fearing a rape.
Awards Filmi ne festivalin e VIII-te te Filmit Artistik Shqiptar fiton cmimin e II-te, 12-22 prill 1989. Aktoret Ndricim Xhepa e Luiza Xhuvani u shpallen aktoret me te mire duke u nderuar me kupen e Festivalit per rolet e Tomes dhe te Flutures.
Cast Ndricim Xhepa, Luiza Xhuvani, Reshat Arbana, Tinka Kurti, Guljelm Radoja, Shpresa Berdellima, Bardhyl Xhani, Kastriot Caushi, Frederik Noci, Edmond Budina, Strazimir Zajmi.
Screenwriter Teodor Laco, Vladimir Prifti
Director Vladimir Prifti
Composer Hajg Zaharjan
Camera Ilia Terpini
Designer Astrit Tota
Editing Elsa Bushati
Sound Ilir Gjata
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1988
Release date 8 janar 1989, Tirane
Reels 10
Lenght (in minutes) 60 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations veri
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit