Reference Code I/1-327
Title Film diary Nr. 34, 1965
Description The 23rd anniversary of the “Morava” partisan company and the 22nd anniversary of the “Fuat Babani” Battalion in Devolli. On this anniversary, friends Enver Hoxha, Beqir Balluku, Petrit Dume, etc. came to participate. Comrade Enver Hoxha spoke at the rally organized on this occasion. Then Comrade Enver Hoxha toasted together with the villagers. (52.30m). 20th anniversary of the liberation of Korea. On this occasion, a solemn meeting was organized in Tirana, where Comrade Rita Mrko and Lieutenant General S. Bekteshi spoke, and the ambassador of the People’s Republic of Korea, Comrade An Jen. (22.80m). In the united cooperative “Clirim” in Pojan. In this cooperative, the sale of sugar beets and the systemization of drainage channels are being done. (32.22m). Paper factory in Kavaja. Engineer Adem Muko and Chinese engineer Sho Se Ceng consult on the process of assembling the machines. (21m). Mountaineering excursion in our Alps. Excursionists led by the master Luigj Shala cross the Valbone river on the way they meet Bajram Curri’s co-religionist Avdi Bajram. In the village of Dragobia, a young girl sings the song of Bajram Curri on the lute. Alpinists meet in Theth. (61.90m). Inside the world. The first meeting between the “Dinamo” team and the “August 1” team of the Chinese Liberation Army took place at the Beijing Women’s Stadium, which ended 2-2. (55.7m).
Scriptwriter A Grashi
Musical Arrangement Ismail Balla
Camera Dhimiter Lala Hamdi Ferhati SaimKokona Ilia Terpini
Edition Adriana Elini
Sound Xh Behri
Cathegory Newsreels
Chroma Black and White
Year 1965
Reels 1
Length (in minutes) 9
Location Shqiperia
Producer Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit