Reference Code | I/1-319 |
Title | Film diary No. 26, 1965 |
Description | Exam day. In the mechanical branch of the “7 Nentori” polytechnic in Tirana, students take their matriculation exams. (13.25m). In the “Qemal Stafa” gymnasium. The language exam is held in the 7th grade. Correct answers indicate good preparation. (31.80m). Institute of Fine Arts. In the Institute of Figurative Arts, the works done for the defence of diplomas are presented. Ferdinand Paci presents “Cooperative lunch”. Fatmir Haxhiu presents the board “Passage of the 1st Assault Division in the North”. Friends Manush Muftiu and Fadil Pacrami are in the hall. Painter Abdurraham Buza speaks. (20.60m). Copper wire factory in Shkoder. The experimental production of the copper wire and the one coated with plasma is done successfully. The production meets all technical conditions. (27.30m). Crum. The central Kruma of the locality of Has in the vicinity of Kukes is being deforested. Here the lands are added to the agricultural enterprise of Kukes. The students at the school are working on the base of the school. (27.60M Voluntary work. Residents of Block No. 8 and No. 9 of the Capital have responded to this initiative of the Front by cleaning and beautifying the streets and flower beds. 21.70m). Gaqo Avraz’s 50th anniversary. In the club of writers and artists, the jubilee meeting was organized where friends B. Kongoli, Gaqo Avrazi, A. Grimci spoke. Comrade Fatmir Gjata presented the certificate of the order to “Naim Frasher”. (34.80m). Cycling. Under the patronage of the Albanian Committee for the Protection of Peace, a cycling race was organized where, in addition to well-known sportsmen, many new elements took part. 670km Tirana – Shkoder. Partizan won the race as a team, while cyclist Xhavit Gezheli won it as an individual. (40.50m). |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | |
Musical Arrangement | Donika Muci |
Camera | Pashko Como Dhimiter Lala Jani Nano Hamdi Ferhati Sokrat Musha |
Edition | Mit’hat Fagu |
Sound | Koco Tollko |
Cathegory | Newsreels |
Chroma | Black and White |
Year | 1965 |
Reels | 1 |
Length (in minutes) | 8 |
Location | Shqiperi |
Producer | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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