Reference Code I/2-1057
Title Feast days in Saranda
Synopsis Beautiful landscape of the city of Sarande. People on the street, dancing pioneers. The atmosphere of the 28-29 November holidays is felt everywhere. During these holidays, friend Ramiz Alia is coming to the city of Saranda. The first secretary of the Syrja Dosti Party and the K/Committee of the Kosta Kallojeri district and the people came out to welcome him in the city square. View of the rally organized on this occasion. Friend Ramiz Alia gives the occasional speech, applause, greetings. Comrade Ramiz Alia places flower wreaths on the graves of the martyrs. Aspects from the visit of friend Ramiz Alia to N.B in Vurgut, the inspection of the citrus and fruit processing department. View of Butrint, visit of friend Ramiz Alise. Rally organized in Delvine where the keynote speaker is Ramiz Alia. In the center of Konispoli, Ramiz Alia meets with its residents. Ramiz Alia meets with the cadres of the Party and the economy of the district of Saranda. Concert on the occasion of his visit to the city of Saranda. Hello, applause. Beautiful view of the city. (302.2m)
Director Adriana Elini
Composer Nina Andoni
Camera Rakip Zeneli Ibrahim Kasapi
Editing Ikbale Jacellari
Sound Luiza Onsmalliu
Category Documentaries
Year 1988
Release date 1988
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 48min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Sarande
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit