Reference Code I/3-118
Title Fall Reproaches
Synopsis The 30s. It is the time when progressive communist ideas were penetrating into Albania. Kujtim, a revolutionary student wanted to change the life of the poor languishing under the regime of King Zog. Through the lenses of his inseparable camera he can see the grave atmosphere of the time, the misery and poverty of the common people.
Awards Filmi fitoi cmimin e dyte dhe medalionin ne Festivalin e V te Filmit Shqipetar ne 19-23 prill 1983. Kastriot Caushi u nderua me kupen e Festivalit per interpretimin e rolit te Kujtimit.
Cast Kastriot Caushi, Sander Prosi, Ndrek Luca, Serafin Fanko, Sulejman Dibra, Tinka Kurti, Stavri Shkurti, Ilia Shyti, Ndrek Prela, Enver Dauti, Adem Gjyseli, Viktor Bruceti, Lec Bushati, Vitore Nino, Vasian Lame, Astrit Fani, Petrit Malaj, Arben Seferi, Ilirian Cuci, Paulin Vilajeti, Lec Shllaku, Sadush Ylli, Arben Kumbaro, Sokol Gjyzeli, Sulejman Kafexhiu, Arben Beqiri, Zhaklina Dhimojani.
Screenwriter Peci Dado, Kristaq Dhamo
Director Kristaq Dhamo
Composer Limoz Dizdari
Camera Bashkim Asllani
Designer Kleo Nini
Editing Krisanthi Kotmilo
Sound Spiro Konduri
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1981
Release date 3 Maj 1982, Tirane
Reels 10
Lenght (in minutes) 86 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Shkoder
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Ne realizimin e filmit ndihmuan punonjesit e rrethit te Shkodres.
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit