Reference Code I/2-140
Title Eyes of eagle
Synopsis The exhibition of the State Security Service on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its creation. Photo of Enver Hoxha during the war. Father Anton Arapi, proclaimed by the state as “envoy and agent” of the Vatican as well as other collaborators of the Germans. The discovery of weapons at the Jesuit church in Shkodra. Kulak sabotage organized by Harri Fullci, Maliqi’s swamp sabotage, railway sabotage by Savo Bozhinderovic. Our security forces taking everyone’s mask off. The exhibition shows the arrival of English missions during the National Liberation war, such as Maklen, etc. Our security forces discovering the enemies’ agendas, the organization of the game “White Lip” led by Et’Hem Cakon in which enemies and saboteurs are caught. Selim Daci were brought to Albania by the radio games, the American discovery. The English sent Seit Bylybashi and the revisionists Riza Koci, the Greek sent Asfalia Hamit Matjani and the Italians sent Alush Leshanaku, who were publicly judged. The “Lake of Vajkal” intervention begins in 1951, led by Mehmet Shehu, where Hamit Matjani, Halil Branica, Zenel Shehu, etc. , were captured, enemies gave an account before the people’s court. The trial of Teme Sejko, who in cooperation with the Greek and Yugoslavian intelligence as well as the 6-th American fleet wanted to destroy our homeland. The people of the village together with the border guards protecting the country. Minister Mihallaq Zicishti distributes the decorations to the frontiersmen, villagers and pioneer Xhemal Martini. A documentary on the exhibition of the 20-th anniversary of Secret Security Forces.
Screenwriter Sofokli Afezolli
Director Ilo Pando
Composer Ismail Balla,formulim
Camera Petraq Lubonja, Xhevat Behri, op/zeri
Designer Vasil Lala
Category Documentaries
Year 1963
Release date 1963
Reels 2
Length (in minutes) 11
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit