Reference Code I/3-103
Title Event in the Harbor
Synopsis Someone falsifies the data on a laboratory of goods control, in order to fake the quality. This makes the foreign company to not sign the contract. The suspected person is a specialist who deals with the contracts. With this acts the saboteurs aim at hiding the traces and enrich themselves through the falsification. This story creates confusion in the relationship between Linda and Artani, the harbor specialist.
Cast Demir Hyskja, Thimi Filipi, Spiro Urumi, Agim Shuke, Xhemal Tafaj, Violeta Dede, Mirush Kabashi, Vangjel Heba, Adriana Ceka, Tonin Ujka, Mitjadh Popi, Adonis Filipi, Napolon Llalla, Gaqo Spiro, Petrit Llanaj.
Screenwriter Kadri Piro, Lirim Pellumbi
Director Hysen Hakani
Composer Hajg Zaharjan
Camera Ilia Terpini, Pandeli Polena
Designer Kleo Nini
Editing Shpresa Papapavllo
Sound Koco Tollko
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1981
Release date 1981
Reels 7
Lenght (in minutes) 54 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Durres
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit