Reference Code I/3-225
Title Deat of the Horse
Synopsis Based on a tragic true story of a rebellious horse trainer, Saimir Kumbaro’s VDEKJA E KALIT was the first anti-communist fiction film made after the fall of the dictatorship. This is the history of the horses of the reknown Arab breed. In 1975 a well-known general of the Albanian army who set up the first horse farm in Albania, was sentenced to death. This marked the beginning of the execution of the horses. Agron in “Death of Horse” saves a horse and gets sentenced by the army court. The Parisain paper ”La nuit” describes this film as the autopsy of the dictatorship.
Awards Timo Flloko u shpall aktori me i mire i Festivalit te X-te te Filmit Artistik, Maj 1995, dhe u nderua me kupen e Festivalit per rolin e Agronit. Regjisori dhe piktori i filmit respektivisht Saimir Kumbaro dhe Arben Basha u nderuan me madaljonin e Festivalit.
Cast Timo Flloko Raimonda Bulku Niko Kanxheri Fitim Makashi Luan Qerimi Tinka Kurti Bedri Jashari Harilla Vjero Ferdinand Radi Xhemal Koci Agron Mema Darling Capeli Lutfi Zyko Luljeta Sallaku
Screenwriter Nexhati Tafa
Director Saimir Kumbaro
Composer Rene Aubry
Camera Bardhyl Martiniani
Designer Arben Basha
Editing Neriman Furxhi
Sound Ilir Gjata
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1992
Release date 1992
Reels 8
Lenght (in minutes) 76 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Albafilm studio
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit