Reference Code | I/2-809 |
Title | Comrade Enver Hoxha visits the exhibition of figurative arts |
Synopsis | Comrade Enver Hoxha, accompanied by friends Adil Carcani, Ramiz Alia, Kadri Hasbiu and Qirjako Mihali, visits the exhibition of figurative arts. Dritero Agolli, Anastas Kondo , sculptors and painters are waiting for him. Comrade Enver talks cordially with the artists Llazar Siliqi and Kujtim Buza. He looks at the exhibited artworks. He is accompanied by A Kondo and Kujtim Buza. He stops in front of V Kilice’s painting “When the 8th of November Rises”. He gets to know the memories of Kujtim Buza. He talks with Abdurrahi and Kujtim Buzen. They exchange ideas with Dritero Agolli. He continues talking with the artists. He stands in front of the painting “The liberty has arrived”. He congratulates the painter Guri Madhi for his creations. He appreciates the artworks of the painter Agim Zajmi and congratulates him. Talks with the sculptor Odise Paskal about the works of painters Kol Hidromeno, etc. Admiring the paintings of Vangjush Mio, talks with Kujtim Buzen about the painter Korcar. Friend Enver has a warm conversation with the artists. Then he gets up and continues watching. From time to time he stops, talks with the creators, laughs heartily. Friend Enver ends the visit and leaves with the artists. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | |
Scriptwriter | Kolec Traboini |
Director | |
Composer | Nina Andoni |
Camera | Lionel Konomi Ilia Terpini |
Designer | |
Editing | Elpiniqi Cajo |
Sound | Luiza Metaraku |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1981 |
Release date | 1981 |
Reels | 1 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 8min |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | Tirane |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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