Reference Code I/3-115
Title Cloaks Over Barbed Wire Fences
Synopsis This film, like a choral work, unfolds one of the most important historical events: the flight of the Italian troops left behind in Vlora following the First World War. The freedom fighters enter the encircled enemy camp not by using the then sophisticated weapons. Instead, they make use of their woolen coats that they lay over the barbed wire. Hodo dies as a martyr.
Cast Thimi Filipi, Fatos Sela, Stavri Shkurti, Luftar Pajo, Sulejman Pitarka, Serafin Fanko, Jani Riza, Raimonda Bulku, Liza Laska, Muhamet Sheri, Lulezim Jonuzi, Zehrudin Dokle.
Screenwriter Duro Mustafaj, Muharrem Fejzo
Director Muharrem Fejzo
Composer Kujtim Laro
Camera Ilia Terpini
Designer Azis Karalliu
Editing Krisanthi Kotmilo
Sound Koco Tollko
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1977
Release date 28 nentor 1977, Vlore
Reels 9
Lenght (in minutes) 80min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Vlore
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Filmi i kushtohet epopese se Luftes se Vlores 1920. Diskutimi i filmit “Guna permbi tela”, ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 21. 11. 1977. Diskutojne Llazar Siliqi, Vath Koreshi, Viktor Gjika, Niko Koleka, Piro Milkani, Bejto Isufi, Vitori Celi, Halil Kamberi, Duro Mustafaj, Vangjush zallemi, Muharrem Fejzo, Gjon Simoni. Filmi vleresohet, duhet mbajtur parasysh dhe verejtjet e sugjerimet e bera. Diskutohet ne dt. 22. 11. 1977 filmi me nje grup historianesh. Diskutojne Kristo Frasheri, Stefanaq Pollo, Vangjush Zallemi. Do te mbahen parasysh sugjerimet. Diskutimi i filmit ne dt. 12. 12. 1977 me shoket e Ministrise se Kultures dhe me shoket e Aparatit te KQPPSH. Diskutojne Anastas Kondo, Xhelil Gjoni, Dritero Agolli, Ismail Kadare, Dalan Shapllo, Stefanaq Pollo, Llazar Siliqi, Duro Mustafaj, Shaban Baxhaku, Petro Doda, Anastas Kondo. Falenderohen shoket qe ndihmuan me verrejtjet dhe sugjerimet.
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