Reference Code I/2-172
Title Circus
Synopsis The first circus in Albania led by Telat Agollin. Skender Sallaku and Arian Miluka on stage. Spinning by Hamdi Petrela and Vitore Sallaku. Telat Agolli does exercises with a barrel. Pina Skurti executes an exercise with spinning plates. The bicycle on the pedestal by Enver Picari and little Fatos Roshi. Escalator exercises by Constantine Papanikolla and the young acrobat Fatmir Bodinaku. Juggling by Pinco Shkurti and Halit Minxolli. Acrobat Pina Skurti performs an exercise. Three dogs are learning in a class. The teacher raises the man and asks him how much 2 + 1 makes. The dog barks three times. Animal tamer Tahir Bacova leads the little bear in some exercises. (216. 80m) Practical exercises by Vitare Sallaku. Skender Sallaku brings a bouquet of flowers with which Vitorja performs the plastic exercise. Juggler Pinco Shkurti does exercises with the radio. Exercises by an acrobat and Telat Agolli. Skender Sallaku and Arian Miluka with the pantomime “man with 4 hands”. Acrobatic flights on platforms. Jumping from the trampoline and an acrobatic game (229. 85m)
Director Nuredin Cabej
Camera Hamdi Ferhati Asim Raxhimi, op/zeri
Editing Donika Muci
Category Documentaries
Year 1965
Release date 1965
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 15
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit