Reference Code I/3-58
Title Broken Threads
Synopsis A foreign agent, Sami Ameni, arrives at the Rinas Airport. And he immediately sets down activating another agent, Marko, to blow up a large plant. During the war, both of them had collaborated with the Germans. They need to obtain certain data from Besa, who has lost some classified papers and feels threatened. Their plan was foiled.
Awards Roza Anagnosti u nderuar me medaljon ne Festivalin e II-te te Filmit Shqiptar ne prill 1977. Diskutohet filmi ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 17. 03. 1976. Diskutojne Endri keko, Dalan Shapllo, Anastas Kondo, Ksenofon Dilo, Limoz Disdari, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Niko Koleka, Viktor Gjika, Angjelina Xhara, Krisanthi Kotmilo, Strato Vodica. Filmi vleresohet me disa verejtje.
Cast Kadri Roshi Roza Anagnosti Astrit Cerma Reshat Arbana Serafin Fanku Zhani Zicishti Sander Prosi Petrit Llanaj Demir Hyskja Aishe Stari
Screenwriter Neshat Tozaj
Director Muharrem Fejzo
Composer Shpetim Kushta
Camera Petraq Lubonja
Designer Namik Prizreni
Editing Marika Vila
Sound Koco Tollko
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1976
Release date 12 prill, Tirane
Reels 11
Lenght (in minutes) 93 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutohet ne Keshillin Artistik te dates 31. 07. 1975 skenari i filmit “Fundi i nje brenge”. Recenca Petraq Lubonja. Diskutojne Marianthi Xhako, Anastas Kondo, Vath Koreshi, Gezim Erebara, Kujtim Gjonaj, Angjelina Xhara, Nexhati Tafa, Peci Dado, Neshat Tozaj, Vangjush Zallemi. Skenari vleresohet pozitivisht dhe miratohet me disa verejtje e sugjerime.
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