Reference Code I/3-87
Title Beyond the Stone Walls
Synopsis Once she attains the age of twelve years, young Asime is told to stay indoors. Her family has engaged her to a young man she has never met. During the war, a wounded woman partisan stays to her home, and Asime decides to become a partisan.
Cast Sarinaz Borici, Shpresa Berdellima, Alfred Bualjoti, Demir Hyskja, Violeta Manushi, Antoneta Papapavli, Albert Verria, Drita Pelinku, Esma Agolli, Spiro Duni, Marta Burda, Merita Dabulla, Astrit Cerma, Agim Shuke, Benon Lopari, Dhimosten Papa, Piro Kita, Lec Vuksani, Dario Llukaci, Luixhina Leka, Ali Duhanxhiu, Roland Aroni, Yllson Pellumbi.
Screenwriter Dhimiter Xhuvani
Director Gezim Erebara
Composer Hajg Zaharjan
Camera Faruk Basha
Designer Astrit Tota
Editing Neriman Furxhi
Sound Koco Tollko
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1979
Release date 2 qershor1980, Elbasan
Reels 9
Lenght (in minutes) 68 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Elbasan
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutimi i skenarit ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 28. 12. 1978. Recenca Shpresa Vreto, Llazar Siliqi. Diskutojne Vath Koreshi, Dalan Shapllo, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Faruk Basha, Dhimiter Xhuvani, Kristaq Dhamo. Skenari vleresohet por ka nevoje edhe per disa plotesime. Diskutimi i filmit ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 12. 11. 1979. Diskutojne Xhanfise Keko, Shpresa Vreto, Viktor Gjika, Angjelina Xhara, Vath Koreshi, Dhimiter Xhuvani, Gezim Erebara, Kristaq Dhamo, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi ka nevoje per shkurtime e rregullime te pjeseshme. Diskutimi i filmit me shoket e Ministrise dhe te Aparatit te KQPPSH ne dt. 12. 11. 1979. Diskutojne Vangjush Zallemi, Xhelil Gjoni, Mahmet Karakushi, Riza Hajro, Hajro Zeneli, Anastas Kondo. Filmi vleresohet me verejtje e sugjerime.
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