Reference Code I/3-48
Title Ben Walks on His Own
Synopsis Ben is not allowed to play outside the house walls. Uncle Thoma, arriving from the countryside, takes Ben with him. For the first time, Ben is out of parents’ reach. He lives with a village family where he has to learn many new things. One night, Ben is left on his own in the middle of the forest. But now he starts to discover another aspect of life, very close to nature.
Awards U shpall filmi me i mire se bashku me filmin “Ne fillim te veres” ne festivalin e I te Filmit Artistik Shqiptar, prill 1976; Cmimin e klasit I per regjine (Xhanfise Keko); Cmim te vecante ne Festivalin e VIII Nderkombetar te filmave per femije ne Giffoni Valle Piana, Salerno, Itali 1978; Cmim te vecante ne Festivalin Nderkombetar te Filmit Beograd, 1976; Limoz Dizdari cmim te vecante ne Festivalin e I te Filmit Shqiptar.
Cast Herion Spiro Pandi Raidhi Dhorke Orgocka Yllka Mujo Gjergj Sallaku Koco Guda Selma Sotirialli Genc Anastasi Adrian Laperi Ema Shteto
Screenwriter Kico Blushi
Director Xhanfise Keko
Composer Limoz Dizdari
Camera Saim Kokona
Designer Myrteza Fyshekati
Editing Shpresa Papapavllo
Sound Vangjel Leka
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1975
Release date 24 janar1976, Tirane
Reels 9
Lenght (in minutes) 72min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Korce, dardhe
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutohet skenari i filmit ne Keshillin Artistik te dt. 20. 03. 1975. Recenca Dhimiter Xhuvani, Marianthi Xhako e Xhevat Lloshi. Diskutojne Dhimiter Xhuvani, Limoz Disdari, Kristaq Dhamo, Bujar Koloneci, Peci Dado, Vitori Celi, Angjelina Xhara, Xhanfise Keko, Vangjush Zallemi. Skenari vleresohet pozitivisht duke patur parasysh disa sugjerime dhe plotesime. Diskutohet filmi ne Keshillin Artistik te dt. 24. 11. 1975. Diskutojne Marjanthi Qemo, Gezim Erebara, Piro Milkani, Limoz Dizdari, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Namik Prizereni, Tomi Mece, Niko Koleka, Xhanfise Keko, Kico Blushi, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet nga te gjithe. Diskutimi i filmit me shoket e Ministrise se Ars. Kultures dhe aparatin e KQPPSH. ne dt. 26. 11. 1975. Diskutojne Naun Prifti, Xhezair Abazi, Leka Shkurti, Gaqo Bushaka, Jakup Mato, Tahsim Hoshafi, Mantho Bala, M. Krantja, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet me disa sugjerime.
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