Reference Code I/2-593
Title At an anniversary eve
Synopsis “Qemal Stafa” school. People at school steps. Students collecting documents for the history of their school. Students going to the house of former teacher Ahmet Gashi. He talks to the students and takes pictures together. They head to the old school building. Photo from 1944. View of Tirana. The schoolbooks when Enver Hoxha was a teacher. Photo of Qemal Stafa. Ali Kubati talking to his students. A picnic was organized by the students on May 1 where anger against Zogu was manifested. On the bridge of Berat,. Sander Prosi, former student of the school, talking (synchronously) with the students of the school. Wavy sea. Empty class bangs. The students visiting the State Archives where they look at the documents and photos of the school. View of Tirana. Photo of Lym Ketes. Photo of Enver Hoxha, and Vasil Shanto, ex-prisoner. Students at the tombstone of Qemal Stafa. Adem Rada talking to the students. Photo of Qemali when he was young. Exterior view of the school. Leman Cocoli speaking to young people. Students meeting with the mother of the martyr Gjergj Frasheri, his photo. Photo of martyrs Margarita Tutulani, Gj. Kuqali, Xh. Lubonja, S. Kodra, M. Alimani, Alqi Kondi, Ali Demi, and Th. Vasili. The principal of the school, Sadete Cuci, speaking (simultaneously). Students listening to the lesson, in production work, in the office, in training, and parading in front of the teaching staff. The director in military uniform. Enver Hoxha visiting the school. Students talking to each other and teachers. Students writing the talk-initiative. Th students demand to go where homeland needs. The Metallurgical building. Invitations for the school anniversary. Former students working at different sectors. The painter preparing the painting of friend Enver Hoxha among students.
Screenwriter Angjelina Xhara
Director Endri Keko
Composer Nina Harito
Camera Jovan Konadakci
Editing Shefiqare Basha
Sound Asim Raxhimi
Category Documentaries
Year 1975
Release date 1975
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 18
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit