Reference Code I/2-1051
Title Arber, the Musician
Synopsis View of the rocky coast. Church on the rock, priests at mass. Jan Kukuzeli’s fresco. Castle wall with a view of the mountains. Durres Amphitheater. Jan Kukuzeli was born in the ancient city of Durres, Illyria. Sleeping Beauty in the amphitheater of Durres. Seagull on the coast, engraving of Constantinople. View of the sea at dusk, children playing on the coast. Constantinople, the fresco of Saint Mary and Saint Sophia. After the lessons he received in Constantinople, Jan Kukuzeli returns to Durres as the leader of the movement musical with the title of “master”. (271.2m) Map of ancient Greece. Athos peninsula, church on the rock. View of the church from the inside, the fresco of Jan, icon of the head of Athos. The first engraving of Jan. Jan Kukuzeli created the system of writing music according to sounds. The Zeografi brothers painted in the middle of the 18th century in fresco the portrait of Jan Kukuzeli, which was called “Kukuzelisa”. Painter Agim Faja working, sculptor Gjin Varfri and painter Bujar Luca at work .Book of the Pope Kristo Negovani and other documents that talk about the musician Jan Kukuzeli. Jan’s work, the church from the inside, Jan writing. Rocky shore, olive tree with red ribbon, field flowers, seagulls. (272.5m) This film the documentary is dedicated to the musician Arber Jan Kukuzeli.
Screenwriter Ramadan Sokoli
Director Donika Muci
Composer Donika Muci
Camera Niko Treni
Editing Donika Muci
Sound Niko Shalla
Category Documentaries
Year 1988
Release date 1988
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 18min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Neper Shqiperi
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit