Reference Code I/3-169
Title A Difficult Beginning
Synopsis “The danger of the stepmothers’ coming” comes unexpectedly in the life of the little Bledi. This news that the child learns by chance through an undesired way, was a great shock to him. On the other side this affects the spiritual communication that has arisen between Bledi’s father and Zana, a colleague of his, who nourishes a deep feeling of love for Agron.
Cast Timo Flloko, Marjeta Ljarja, Marika Kallamata, Shkelqim Basha, Margarita Xhepa, Marta Bruda.
Screenwriter Shpresa Vreto
Director Albert Xholi
Composer Aleksander Peci
Camera Faruk Basha
Designer Kleo Nini
Editing Peri Mato
Sound Gezim Sula
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1986
Release date Prill 87, Festival
Reels 8
Lenght (in minutes) 72 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit