Reference Code I/2-315
Title A battle with flames
Synopsis Working at the drilling of a kerosene well. Flames erupt in well B-61. The work to clean the scrap metal from the well begins immediately. Comrade Adil Carcani, Zenel Hamiti, the hero of the socialist work Haki Gjendetaj comes to the scene. Water pumps are installed to extinguish the fire. The work of firefighting headquarters. Qemal Mahmuti heads towards the fire. Firefighters pour water non-stop. Flames are rising up. The engineer Afrim Jupo, the heroes of the socialist work Haki Gjendeta, Qemal Mahmutaj, the workers Nebi Jemini, Zenel Baka, Sami Turani, Hysen Cenka, Uan Capi, etc. are going towards the well. Flames rising into the sky. Comrades Zenel Arapi, Hysen Cenka, Koco Kondo, Zenel Mema are fighting against the flames. Powerful tractors remove scrap metal. Garbage. Works around the mouth of the well. Friends of the grassroots organization are talking about the measures that have been taken to extinguish the fire. Machines for extinguishing the fire. Accidents at work, help is given quickly. The hero of the socialist work Koli Mane continues cleaning towards the well. Comrades Koco Theodhosi and Nikola Profi are coming. At the mouth of the well, preparations are made to use dynamite. Soldiers prepare for artillery fire. Artillery fires at the target. The work to extinguish the fire continues. A sunrise. Work on laying the tracks that will transport the dynamite. Oil tankers and army engineers working. Comrade Mendu Backa. The crate with dynamite placed on the crane. Pumps throwing water. Once extinguished in the well ring, ice is created. The flame bursts out again. Explosives are thrown, the flame is extinguished once and for all. The pressure goes up. Workers hugging each other. One of the workers places the flag in the well. Collaborated: Jovan Kondakci, N. Sula, Ismet Islami.
Scriptwriter Anastas Kondo
Composer Donika Muci
Camera Dhimiter Lala
Editing Marianthi Xhako
Sound Koco Tollko
Category Documentaries
Year 1969
Release date 1969
Reels 4
Lenght (in minutes) 25
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit